About Us
Laboratory Setups
Beer Testing Laboratory
Dental Equipment
Autoclaves Dental
16 - 18 Litre Dental
24 Litre Dental
Handpiece Cleaner
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Laboratory Equipment
Anaerobic Jars
Stainless Steel
Autoclaves Laboratory
Lab Bench Top
16 - 18 Litre Autoclaves
24 Litre Autoclaves
33 Litre Autoclaves
40 - 43 Litre Autoclaves
63 Litre Autoclaves
89 Litre Autoclaves
Lab Floor Standing
100 Litre Autoclaves
143 Litre Autoclaves
196 Litre Autoclaves
350 Litre Autoclaves
150 - 4275 Litre Autoclaves
Pressure Cooker Autoclaves
Lab Vertical
16 Litre Autoclaves
42 Litre Autoclaves
50 Litre Autoclaves
62 - 63 Litre Autoclaves
76 Litre Autoclaves
89 - 95 Litre Autoclaves
105 Litre Autoclaves
120 Litre Autoclaves
132 - 135 Litre Autoclaves
212 Litre Autoclaves
Concentric Ring Baths
Refrigerated Baths
Round Oil Baths
250 °C Immersed Element
300 °C External Element
Water Baths
Circulating Baths
Stirred Baths
Un-stirred Baths
Blood Cell Counters
Refrigerated Centrifuges
Standard Centrifuges
Colony Counter
Equitron Colony Counter
Hotplates/Magnetic Stirrers
Advanced T
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrers
Advanced TS
Basic TM
Basic MSH
Multi-Position Hotplate MS
Magnetic Stirrers
Basic MS
Digital MS
Multi-Position MS
Scale MS
CO2 / Tri-gas Incubator
151L CO2/Tri-gas
185L CO2/Tri-gas
212L CO2/Tri-gas
240L CO2/Tri-gas
Hybridization Oven
Low Temp. Incubators
91 - 100 Litre Low Temp.
150 Litre Low Temp.
230 - 250 Litre Low Temp.
400 Litre Low Temp.
600 - 850 Litre Low Temp.
Shaking Incubators
Benchtop Models
Chamber Models
Floor Standing Models
Media Preparator
Beer Haze Meters
HI847492 Haze Meter
Dissolved Oxygen Meters
HI9146 Portable DO Meter
pH Meters
HI9124 Portable Waterpr.
HI99161 Food and Dairy
HI99163 Meat
Turbidity Meters
HI93703 Portable Turbidity
Microscope Accessories
Basic Microscope
Brightfield Microscopes
Fluorescence Microscopes
Inverted Microscopes
Phase Contrast Microscopes
Polarizing Microscopes
Microscope Cameras
Optikam Pro HDMI
Optikam Pro Series
Rotary Evaporators
Evator Rotary Evaporator
Roteva Rotary Evaporator
Shakers and Mixers
Advanced Orbital SKC
Dual Action Models OS
General Models OS
Heating CBS-350
Microplate CPS-350
Mini CMS-350
Rocking CRS-350
Separatory Funnel RS-1
Waving CWS-350
Roller Mixers
Vortex Mixers
Ultrasonic Cleaners
UC-50 Sturdy
UC-80 Sturdy
UC-150 Sturdy
UC-300 Sturdy
UC-400 Sturdy
Water Purification Systems
Advanced Systems
ASTM Type I Ultrapure
ASTM Type II High Pure
ASTM Type III Pure
CAP/CLSI Type I High Pure
Water Distillers
1.25 l/h Rauserv Distiller
4.0 l/h Equitron Distiller
Medical Equipment
Autoclaves Medical
Medical Bench Top
16 - 18 Litre Medical
24 Litre Medical
40 Litre Medical
89 - 90 Litre Medical
Medical Floor Standing
100 Litre Medical
143 Litre Medical
196 Litre Medical
350 Litre Medical
Medical Vertical
50 Litre Medical
76 Litre Medical
95 Litre Medical
105 Litre Medical
120 Litre Medical
132 - 135 Litre Medical
Examination Lamp
Suction Units
SS-100 / SS-101
SS-200 / SS-201
SS-300 / SS-301
Theatre Tables
Electric Theatre Tables
Rauserv RAU-OT 8005
Hydraulic Theatre Tables
Rauserv RAU-OT 8004A
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Sterilizing Accessories
Biological Indicators
BI Ampoules
MagnaAmp BI
ProSpore Amp BI
SterilAmp II BI
Biological Incubators
Ampoule Incubator 1510
EZTest Incubator 1410
Smart-Well Incubator
Biological Indicators
EZTest Ethylene Oxide
EZTest Hydrogen Peroxide
EZTest Steam
Smart-Read EZTest Steam
Bowie Dick Test
Chemical Indicator Strips
EXT Steam Sterlization Integrator
OK Steam Multi-Spot Integrator
SSE Steam Sterlization Emulator
SSI Steam Sterlization Integrator
SSW Steam Sterlization Integrator
Data Loggers
Autoclave SterilDisk
Waste Management
Effluent Decontamination
Stock Clearance
Call Out Log
News and Events
Contact Us
Laboratory Equipment
CO2 / Tri-gas Incubator
> 240L CO2/Tri-gas Incubator
HF240 CO2/Tri-gas